Dr. Vinay Nikam
- DCE (Civil) - Government Polytechnic Bombay,
- BE (Civil) - Govt. College of Engineering Karad,Shivaji University, Kolhapur,
- L.L.B - Mumbai University ,
- M. Tech (Conservation of Rivers and Lakes) - Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee,
- Ph.D. - Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Area of specialization
Current area of research :
Development of a real-time flood forecast modeExperience
Since May 2014
Enviro-con, Thane
Jan 2010 – March 2014
Research Associate Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai
April 1998 – August 2009
Thane Municipal Corporation, Thane, India
Nov 1996 – April 1998
Concrete Consultancy Services Research and Consultancy Directorate Associated Cement Company, Thane, India Associated with the design of fly ash-based grouts, ferrocement activity
International Assignment:
- Involved as a Research Associate with IIT Bombay on International Collaborative Research on Flood Resilience of Urban Areas (CORFU) project under FP7 program of European Union. (This project involves participation of fifteen universities/ institutes from nine counties namely UK, Germany, Denmark, Korea, France, China, Bangladesh, Taiwan and India).
Professional training received :
Year | Nature of Training | Duration | Organization where training was provided |
2006 | Environmental Impact Assessment -Methods and Procedures | 5 days | Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee |
2009 | Decentralized wastewater treatment system | 6 days | Consortium for DEWATS dissemination society, Bangalore |
Membership of professional bodies :
Name of the Body | Status of Membership: Life / Annual |
India Chapter of American Concrete Institute | Life member |
Indian society of rock mechanics and tunneling technology | Life member |
Important conference and seminar attended :
Year | Conferences /Seminars attended | Title of paper read |
2013 | International Conference on Flood Resilience Experiences in Asia and Europe, Exeter, UK | Flood Resilience Study for Mithi River Catchment in Mumbai, India |
2013 | IWWA 45th Annual Convention, Pune, India. | Assessment of flood mitigation structures on Mithi River, Mumbai, India |
2012 | 9th Urban Drainage Modeling Conference, Belgrade, Serbia | SVM rainfall forecast for extreme monsoon rainfall conditions in an urban area |
2011 | Drainage Modeling workshop, DHI, Denmark | Real-time flood forecast model for Mumbai |
2011 | 5th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM5), Tokyo, Japan | A methodology for rapid inundation mapping for a megacity with sparse data: case of Mumbai, India |
2010 | CORFU workshop, Exeter, UK | Mumbai floods and drainage system |
2010 | 3rd International Perspective on Current and Future State of Water Resources and the Environment conference, Chennai, India | Real time rainfall forecast for extreme monsoon rainfall conditions in an urban area: Mumbai area |
2008 | Inflow forecasting during extremes Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India | - |
2008 | Adapting to climate change National Water Academy, Pune, India | - |
2004 | Water management in urban centers Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, India | Role of public participation in water conservation |
2004 | 1st International exhibition and conference on building materials and construction technologies, New Delhi, India | Rapid chloride permeability test for durability |
2003 | 8th NCB International seminar on cement and building materials, New Delhi, India | High performance concrete using fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag |
2003 | 3rd International conference on advance materials for construction of bridges, buildings and other structures, Davos, Switzerland | Effect of different supplementary cementitious material of the microstructure and resistance of concrete against chloride penetration |
Teaching experience:
- Environmental Engineering - 2007 - 2008
- Kalsekar Engineering College, Panvel - 2017 - 2018
- Pillai College of Engineering, Rasayani - Since 2018 till date
Association with RMCMA:
- Audited various RMC plants.
Association with Indian Concrete Institute
- Contribution in preparation of “Concrete Lab and Field Technician Manual” for Indian Concrete Institute..
Concrete Consultancy
- Associated with Associated Cement Company for comparative study of concrete used for Mumbai Pune Expressway for MSRDC.
- Associated with Con-Tech Group for concrete mix design consultancy for MC Duramix Plant, BKC & Supreme RMC plant at Powai.
- Associate with Mr. Vijay Kulkarni for expert advice on concrete mixes and analysis for India Bulls projects at Worli, Panvel and Savroli.
- Associated with Mr. Vijay Kulkarni for Concrete consultancy for Namaste 5-star hotel in Mumbai (300 m height and 63 stories)